026 Cleaning station

027 Cleaning station

028 IMG_0837-1

029 Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse and  Goldring Surgeonfish

030 IMG_0839-1 copy

031 They found an eel

032 Eel

033 Arc-Eye Hawkfish

034 Male Bluegill Triggerfish

035 The Cable Guy

036 Frogfish

037 Frogfish

038 Frogfish

039 IMG_0855-1

040 IMG_0857-1

041 IMG_0858-1

042 Orange Spine Surgeonfish

043 Black Morph Butterflyfish

044 Black Morph Butterflyfish

045 Trumpetfish

046 Trumpetfish and Yellow Tang

047 Forceps Butterflyfish and Trumpetfish

048 IMG_0482-2
